This page lists web guides and directories I've created.
Hope they're a help to you!
Publications, documents, and libraries of code that I've written
are not listed here, even if they are available on the web.
IVCF Coastal Southern California UC GCF Alumni Home Page:
This directory lists people who were part of the IVCF
Graduate Christian Fellowships at the Southern California
coastal UC campuses (UCI, UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD). The
contents are password protected.
Johnny Lin's Blog:
This blog is an assortment of posts that don't fit in the
other blogs and web guides listed on this page.
They consist of articles that I
think will help others do things as well as random musings.
Johnny's Brief Guide to Seattle:
When friends ask me what to see in Seattle, here's
what I tell them.
Johnny's Chocolates and Pralines Survival Guide:
Need help on buying fine chocolates?
This guide provides a short
primer on what goes into good chocolates, what some of the
different types of chocolates are,
and lists a number of excellent chocolatiers.
Johnny's Math and Science Posters Guide:
A listing of (paper) math and science posters,
including purchasing information.
Karen and Johnny's Brief Guide to Chicago:
This is a slightly edited version of a
guide we put together for out-of-town guests to
our wedding (in 2006). Thus, some of the information is
dated, but others (such as the restaurant recommendations) are
likely still good.
- The Nature of Environmental Stewardship:
Resources related to my book of the same title.
- PyAOS:
A help and community building
site for both beginner and experienced Python users in the
atmospheric and oceanic sciences.
Python/CDAT for Earth Scientists: Tips and Examples:
This page is a collection of tips and examples on using
Python in the earth sciences, with a focus on climate science and the
Climate Data Analysis Tools (CDAT)
Updated: Thursday, 04-May-2017 11:17:35 PDT.
Privacy Policy.
Author: Johnny Lin
<email address>.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.