
I have taught courses in public speaking, environmental ethics, general science, physics, and computer science:

I provide all or some of the student evaluations from some of my classes to help prospective students better understand what kind of teacher I am. You may also want to see my RateMyProfessors rating for classes I've taught at NPU and UWB. Finally, edited versions of some of my syllabi are available here: CSS 112.

Topics regarding teaching that I am interested in include:

Other teaching-related items:

  • List of student collaborators: List of student collaborators, including those who were part of the Climate Research Group at North Park and all UWB CSS capstone projects I served as an advisor for.
  • If you're interested in having me as your UWB CSS 497 capstone or CSS 397 computing internship advisor, please see here.
  • If you're interested in working with me on my research, please see here.
  • If you're interested in working for me as a grader for one of my courses, please see here.
  • I am the faculty advisor for the following student group at UWB: Cru | Bridges International.
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