"A Better Resurrection," by Christina Rossetti
"The Bright Field," by R. S. Thomas
"Colossians 3:3," by George Herbert
"Contemplations," (13-20, 33) by Anne Bradstreet
"Dover Beach," by Matthew Arnold
"Easter Wings," by George Herbert
"End of the Road," by Paul Lake (2002)
"Friend, in the Desolate Time," by Erik Johan Stagnelius
"From the Kitchen Window," by D. Q. McInerny (2000)
"The Hold-Fast," by George Herbert
"Holy Sonnets: Batter My Heart, Three-Person'd God," by John Donne
"I Gave This Day to God," by Luci Shaw
"Ledges," by Bernard Scott (2003)
"Love (III)," by George Herbert
"Marriage Anagram," by Eric Chevlen
- "A Marriage," by R. S. Thomas
(not online; see my poetry collections file)
"My Brother's Photos, Before Okinawa," by Walt McDonald
"The Mystery of the Aleph," by Eric Chevlen
"Omnipotence," by Luci Shaw (not online; see my poetry collections file)
"Pied Beauty," by Gerard Manley Hopkins
"Shipwreck," by Luis de Camoes
"Sin," by Luis de Camoes
"Sonnet 116," by William Shakespeare
"To Christ on the Cross," by Miguel de Guevara
"A True Hymn," by George Herbert
"Up-Hill," by Christina Rossetti
"We Play at Paste" by Emily Dickinson
"What Your Given Name Signifies," by Craig Payne