How do you list what a VCS object's attribute settings are?
The list
method attached to the VCS primary or
secondary element does the trick.
Say we have the following xvsy
object my_gm
>>> import vcs >>> v = vcs.init() >>> my_gm = v.createxvsy('myGraphMeth', 'default')
The list of my_gm
attributes and their settings is:
>>> my_gm.list() ----------XvsY (GXY) member (attribute) listings ---------- Canvas Mode = 1 graphics method = GXY name = new projection = linear xticlabels1 = * xticlabels2 = * xmtics1 = xmtics2 = yticlabels1 = * yticlabels2 = * ymtics1 = ymtics2 = datawc_x1 = 1.00000002004e+20 datawc_y1 = 1.00000002004e+20 datawc_x2 = 1.00000002004e+20 datawc_y2 = 1.00000002004e+20 xaxisconvert = linear yaxisconvert = linear line = None linecolor = None marker = None markercolor = None markersize = None
Notes: This discussion applies to CDAT 3.3.